Miyerkules, Enero 22, 2014

Principle of Art
Prepared by: Reo Paolo M. Uri

The principles of art refer to the guide in organizing the elements of art. Your success in creating your artwork depends on how you apply the different principles in making the artwork.

Balance- in an artwork is the placement of all the element of the composition so that their visual weights seem evenly distributed. It is the quality which makes the composition of the artwork stable. There are three kinds of balance.
  • Formal balance or symmetrical balance- is a type of balance in which the contents on either side of a center line are exactly the same. One side would mirror the other.
  • Informal balance asymmetrical balance- is a type of balance in which two sides of an artwork are not exactly alike, yet skill appears pleasantly even.
  • Radial balance- occurs when all the elements in the composition radiate outward from the center artwork it.
Emphasis- is the principle of art concerned with making an element or object in a work stand out. The Sketch by Victorio Edades on shows emphasis on the bent over his board in the foreground. from this, the eye is carried over  the artist's model, then to the spectator at the back of the painter. Emphasis is also shown in the masked head of Rod-Paras-Perez woodcut print Totemic Mysteries.

Harmony- is the principle of art concerned with combining related art elements to create a pleasing appearance. The parts of the composition should not clash with one another. Laughter by Anita Magsaysay- No on shows three faces which form a triangle to bring harmony and unity to the painting.

Proportion- Deals with the proper relation between two objects or parts. The parts of a work should relate to the other parts, as well as to the entire composition. Madonna of the shows by vicente manansala shows porportion between the woman and the baby she is carrying.

Unity- is the arrange of elements to create a feeling of oneness. When the parts of a work come together, the work has unity. Each part fits in with the others to create a single idea, quality, or a whole design. An example of this is Mother and Child by on Ib Olmedo.

Variety- is the principle of art concerned with combining different are elements like colors, lines, shapes, and textures to increase visual interest. Variety is seen in the work of Carlos V. Francisco, Lost in the Forest.

To be continued.....................

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